What I Have Learned From Blogging

I will be the first to say that I was not excited about the whole blogging assignment. I was actually overwhelmed going into it because after looking at other blogs I thought theirs looked so much better than mine. Of course you gain the basic Idea on how it works, but the creativity is someone I was a little unsure about. I would totally say that it was a learn as you go process.

Some tools that I found effective was the preview just because I honestly used that so much due to me trying to perfect it the best I could. However one thing I did not find effective was imputing my photos because they were hard to move and place where I wanted them. I find this assignment effective not only because obviously our future revolves around technology, but also I will find it useful with my future. My minor is fashion merchandising, and let’s be real, there are oh so many fashion blogs. Therefore in many ways I feel like I have gained experience. If I could do it over, I think I would spend a little more time perfecting it to look more professional.

My most popular week was November 15th with seven views and five visitors. My most post was the Home Cooked Ribs with 3 views. I think I received the most views on this one because it can cater to guys more too. Unlike the sopapilla cheesecake which would probably cater more towards girls. I would say the most interesting thing about the stats data is the fact that visitors and viewers are two different things. Although my viewing stats aren’t the highest, I would say I have received more than expected.


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