Finals Quick Fix


Hey guys! So I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. However now that Thanksgiving is behind us that now unfortunately means finals are around the corner. Therefore that usually means several sleepless nights, caffeine overload, and a very limited food supply. So today I am going to show you how to make chicken quesadillas that are fast, easy and will keep the hunger away.

You will need

  • Frozen grilled chicken strips
  • Corn or flour tortillas (it is really just your preference
  • Mexican cheese

First cook your frozen chicken in a skillet on the stove. The directions are on the back of the package if there are any further questions. Once the chicken is cooked grab two tortillas. I use corn just because that is what I prefer, but flour tastes just as well. Anyway place the chicken on top of one tortilla, add the amount of cheese you want, and then place the other tortilla on top. Next place the quesadilla in the skillet and warm it. I basically just keep it in there until it is toasted on either side and the cheese is melted. Then just cut it into four pieces and there you go you have a quesadilla!

This is honestly one of my go to snacks because it is so fast and easy. So with finals here I have no time to make a lengthy meal. Also if you make queso or guacamole it can make for a pretty filling meal. Something you could also try is adding beef fajita meat, but then again it is just your preference. However, good luck to everyone on finals, and I hope this helps out!


29 Quesadillas to try

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