Interesting Blogs

Hello beautiful people,

I have been looking at other blogs to get a little insight on how this whole process works. As you may already know, I have never blogged, so my skills are not exactly top notch yet. One thing about me is that I am a Pinterest addict, so of course I’ve found several blogs on there to look at. But I wanted to see more of what people like me who are new at blogging, what they were blogging about.

So as I was looking through most of my classmate’s blogs, I found several that I really enjoyed, and several that looked really advanced. But there was one that I really enjoyed because it was very similar to mine. It was called eatsntreaststxst by Annie Eichler. Unlike me, who has no idea what I’m doing in a kitchen, she actually has a passion for cooking and as cliché as it sounds, her posts actually make me want to cook something. So far all of her recipes have been ones that I would love to try.


I especially liked the fried rice recipe. Because for one I absolutely love fried rice, and two because it didn’t seem very difficult. I have always been a little weary about making things like this, or even certain pastas because I feel like they never come out like they are supposed to, but Annie makes the directions seem fairly simple. Now don’t get me wrong there is a 9 out 10 possibility I’ll mess it up, but I’m really wanting to try her recipes.

I would totally advise someone to follow her blog if they were wanting to spice things up in the kitchen!



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