Dad’s Dove Wraps

Okay guys, so this week’s dish is one of my favorite appetizers my dad makes. He makes them at all the parties our family hosts and they are a huge hit. They are called dove wraps, and yes I mean dove as in the bird. My dad is a huge hunter and this is one of his many specialties. Let’s first reveal the ingredients besides the obvious factor that dove is one of them. You will need bacon, dove meat, jalapenos, and crème cheese. Two other supplies that will be needed are toothpicks, and a grill.

First let’s assume you have your ingredients all ready and laid out. You first want to season your dove breast how you like. I like to use garlic power and Tony Chachere’s Cajun seasoning, but it is your own preference. Next you are going to want to take the jalapeno peppers and wash them, cut them in half, and deseed them. Trust me this is really important because if not, your mouth will be on fire. Once this is done, you will notice the arch in the pepper, you will then fill it with the crème cheese. Then place the crème cheese filled jalapeno on top of the dove meat. Next you are going to wrap the jalapeno and meat in bacon, and then secure it with a toothpick. Now you will grill the wrap. It usually takes about ten minutes on each side but you just have to keep an eye on it.

I was a little hesitant when first making them, but they actually turned out better than expected. Keep in mind I had my dad on speaker phone the entire time I was making them, but they were actually edible. This recipe can either be used as an appetizer, or you could even add sides and make this into your meal. Trust me, they may look small, but they are extremely filling. And if you are not big on wild meat, I would at least say give them a try because they are very good. Also my picture does not give them justice, my camera does not take good quality. But I hope I gave you guys a new idea for a game day snack since we did just begin football season, and trust me if I managed I could do it, yall can do it.

dove wraps

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